Do fertility treatments bring higher risk of invasive breast or uterine cancer?
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
July 19, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
Everything you need to know about the McDonald's salad parasite outbreak
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
July 27, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
Bayer to no longer sell permanent birth control implant Essure
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee and Catherine Thorbecke
July 25, 2018
from GMA
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee, Catherine Thorbecke
, ABC News
What seafood lovers need to know about the dangers of the Vibrio bacteria
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
July 19, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
When an entire community becomes the patient
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
August 4, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
What is hand, foot and mouth disease?
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee and Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez
August 28, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee, Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez
, ABC News
Try non-drug treatment first to manage dementia: Expert panel
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
August 2, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
Could soccer 'heading' lead to greater brain injury for women than men?
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
July 31, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News
LGBT+ youth face tougher time as first offenders, study finds
By Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
August 1, 2018
from Health
Dr. Stephanie Sophie Lee
, ABC News